View History

  1. View an Employee's Record
  2. Click the + sign next to History on the employee’s record.

Historical data is categorized into the following

Personal Audit trail of changes made to employee's personal data
Work Audit trail of changes made to work data
Dependents Audit trail of changes made to dependent's personal data
Employee Enrollment Audit trail of changes made to employee's enrollment
Dependent Enrollment Audit trail of changes made to dependent(s) enrollment
Electronic Disclosure Audit trail of all disclosures signed by employees in the enrollment work flow.
Only enabled if service is being utilized.
Notifications Audit trail of system generated emails to the employee
Logins Audit trial of login attempts
Acknowledgments Audit trail of electronic signatures
  • Audit Trails can be filtered and exported to excel.
  • Notifications not yet sent typically updates to status of sent within a few minutes. 
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