Search for an Employee

  1. Click on the Employee Search/Add tab. 
  2. Click on Search


Basic Search

To search based on Employee information, 

  1. Select Basic
  2. Enter employee identifier based on the following fields
    • Employee ID
    • Country ID (SSN)
    • First or Last Name, 
    • Email Address
    • User Name
  3. Click Search. A list of employees matching the search criteria appears at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on the Employee’s Name or Employee ID to view the record.

Advanced Search

You can search based on the following:

Eligibility Class, location, division, department
State Home address state
Data fields Zip code, City, Dependent First Name, Dependent Last Name, Mobil number, Job title
Date Range Based on the created date or hire date
Created by Admin that created the record
Age Employee or dependent age range, in years
Birthday Employee or dependent DOB range
Employee Type Live, Test, Demo
  1. Enter the values into the fields you want to search by. You can search based on multiple fields.
  2. Click Apply.
  3. A list of employees matching the search criteria appears at the bottom of the page.
    1. You can select and Send Email to Selected or Export List to Excel.
    2. Click on the Employee’s Name or Employee ID to view their record, or click Employee Login to view the site as the employee.
  4. Click Clear in each field to clear the values, or click Clear All to clear the values in every field.

Note: If a search field has been applied but the section has been collapsed, the section title will be bolded to indicate that it's has been applied to the search results shown.
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