Renewal Wizard


The Renewal Wizard is a tool we developed to obtain details related to renewal and open enrollment at each Annual Renewal and Enrollment. The wizard will show the current configuration allowing administrators to review it easily and in detail, make updates if and where necessary, and change the set up by adding carriers and new plans. The wizard will be available 90 before the renewal month. 

With this Renewal Wizard, we have made it a lot easier and faster for the staff at an agency to communicate complete details of the benefits program renewal to our implementation team and utilize the power of our platform. Prior year’s information is presented for review, making it easy to edit and update only necessary changes. We continue to provide high-touch customer service in this implementation process, with a Customer Success Team of subject matter experts supporting the Client Relationship Manager assigned to each Agency client.

How it works

  • You can either click Next to go from one tab to the next, or directly click on tabs
  • The information entered on a tab is saved as you navigate to other tabs
  • All required fields (fields with asterisks) must be filled in before you Submit. If there are missing fields, you will be prompted to complete them before you are able to Submit. 
  • Once you Submit, the tab will no longer be visible as our team reviews. However, if you need to make additional updates or corrections, reach out to Customer Success, and we will re-enable the tab for you.
  • You will see data from the current configuration, plans/rules/rates already pre-populated in their fields. Please review and confirm or update and make changes. 
  • If there is a new plan with a new carrier, please add the carrier first and then the new plan. When you add a new plan, you can copy the eligibility rules from an existing plan. 
    • Ensures that when there is a renewal, current carrier continues for the current year, and the new carrier is recognized for the new plan year
    • We have structured the way in which data is maintained and collected, as we will be managing two plan year activities simultaneously, during Open Enrollment
  • You will be guided through the process so that information is collected in a way that is consistent with the data requirements – there’s very little chance of you making any mistake! And even if you do, don’t worry… we are just an email away, or use the chat function during working hours.
  • All exceptions can still be managed outside this wizard in conversation with your CRM. So, while making this as structured as possible to take into account most of the standard situations, there could be things that are unique to your client and we have provided for that too.
  • New Voluntary products that are not standard (Critical, Accident, Hospital indemnity) must be added as an “Other” plan type and the configuration team will determine how to present it to the employees using one of our custom plan configurations.
  • We recommend that you start working on the wizard as soon as it is ‘enabled’ for each client. It is not necessary that you have ALL the information before you start; you can come back later.
  • You can’t submit without completing everything, though. This renewal wizard can also be used instead of a checklist before renewal. You are prompted for incomplete information when you try submitting.


Open Enrollment

  • Start Date: the open enrollment start date
  • End Date: the open enrollment end date
  • Renewal Date: the plan anniversary date
  • Summary of changes: provides the overall, high-level view of what will be updated for this renewal. It will be useful as it will capture and help track changes that a client makes over multiple renewals. You can choose all that apply. 
New Carrier(s) If there are carrier changes/ new plans are getting added with the Open Enrollment
Plan Structure Changes This means if there are any plans whose plan structure changes for example, changing from Tier-Coverage to Incremental, or Benefit Amount changed, or age reduction schedule change, etc.
Rate changes only If there are only rate changes of the existing plan(s).
Class/Structure changes If the eligibility structure is getting changed.
Same Carrier(s), New Plan(s) If there are new plans added from the existing carrier.

You also indicate the Default Enrollment rules for each plan. That is, what must happen if employees do not take any action during an OE period. For example, are they set to “waive”, enrolled in a default plan, or continue with whatever is the current election. These choices are important as it determines how plans are presented to employees in the workflow and also the Post OE finalization process by the WFJ team before enrollments are sent to carriers.

  • Default Enrollment for Employees who do not complete OE: action to be taken when employees do not submit OE elections or changes
    • Waive Coverage: waive the election effective on the renewal date
    • Default Plan: enrollment in a default plan effective on the renewal date. The options for the default plan are based on the list of plans offered for that plan type. 
    • Existing Election: roll-over the existing election into the next year as well. If a new plan will be replacing the existing election, please provide the mapping criteria via email. 
      • Pre-select current year election in workflow: If existing election is selection, it can be pre-selected in the workflow
      • Do not select any plan in workflow: nothing will be pre-selected in the employee workflow


This information is used by our Carrier Connections team and Invoicing team if that service is used by the client. Any new carrier for the following plan year needs to be added here, before plans can be added with that carrier on the next tab

Add new carrier contact details or update existing contact details. 

  • Carrier Contacts: Contact details of Implementation Manager at carrier.
  • Account Manager: Contact details of Account Manager.


This is probably the most important tab. We recommend reviewing rules and rates for each plan – verify what is presented, and confirm they remain her same for the following year, or if there are changes, make those edits. The data presented shows how system is set up for the current plan year. Changes are only saved after you click Update for each plan. Each plan Type will have sections that are specific to the plan type.

Plan Details

  • Plan Name: the name to displayed for the plan. This is the name as view by an employee. 
  • Type: Plan Type name, chosen from a drop-down list
  • Plan Subtype: Choose a Plan Subtype from the drop-down list
  • Carrier: Name of the carrier. Must be entered in the carrier section in order to be an option in the drop-down list.
  • Group Number: Plan Group number. 
  • PCP required?: Yes, if PCP information needs to be collected from the employee. No, if this information does not need to be collected from the employee.
  • Is this plan HSA compatible?: Yes, if the Medical plan is HSA compatible.
  • Is enrollment in another plan required to participate in this plan?: If this plan should appear conditional on enrollment in another plan.
    • Which Plan?: If yes, select the plan that enrollment is conditional upon
  • What do employees have to provide when they waive coverage?: Select from drop-down the action employees must take when they waive coverage
    • Document: Employees need to upload waiver form
    • Reason: Employee needs to select a waiver reason
    • Document and Reason: Employees need to upload a waiver form and select a waiver reason
    • Nothing: Employees are not required to upload waiver form or update waiver reason


  • Classes, Locations, Divisions, and Departments Eligible: Select the class(es), location(s), division(s), and department(s), that are eligible for this plan.
    • CLDDs are determined during implementation. If you need to make CLDD changes, please contact your Customer Relationship Manager
    • New hire can enroll for benefits starting from
      • Eligibility: New hire window will start from Date of Hire/Rehire
      • Upload date: New hire window will start from the Upload date
      • Later of Eligibility / Upload Date: New hire window will start from date the record is added into the system irrespective of hire/rehire date.
  • Waiting Period Rules: Select and enter New Hire and Rehire waiting period rules in the drop-down options
    • New Hire waiting period: Enrollment start date for newly added employee.
    • Is Rehire waiting period same as New Hire: Enrollment start date for employees who are rehired. 
    • For eligibility changes, when do benefits start? Enrollment start date for employees with CLDD changes.
  • Termination of Benefits
    • Benefits termination rule due to employee termination
    • Benefits termination rule due to eligibility (Class, Location, Division, Department) changes
  • Dependent Verification
    • Which group of employees are eligible for dependent verification process.
    • What proof of eligibility is required, and for what events does an employee need to update this proof.
    • What age does the dependent become overage?: Enter the age limit in number of years.
    • When does the coverage terminates when child becomes overaged? Select from drop-down when the overaged child coverage must end.

Qualifying Events

  • What events allow employees to make mid-year changes, and what is the effective date for these changes


  • The monthly invoice rates for full-insured plans
  • Stop loss and premium admin fees for self-insured plans
  • Composite rate structure: Simple tier coverage structure, 
    • Ex. Employee, Employee + Spouse, Employee + Family, etc.,
  • Tier structure with Age rated rate structure: Tier coverage rates based on the member's age 
    • Base Age for Rate Calculation for New Hires: Rule for calculating the rate on the initial enrollment.
    • Age-Band Anniversary (Premium): Rule for calculating the rate for existing employees when their age changes
  • Age rated rate structure: Invoice rates are based on member’s age 
    • Base Age for Rate Calculation for New Hires: Rule for calculating the rate on the initial enrollment.
    • Age-Band Anniversary (Premium): Rule for calculating the rate for existing employees when their age changes

Employee Deductions

  • Composite rate structure: Simple tier coverage structure 
    • Ex. Employee, Employee + Spouse, Employee + Family, etc., 
    • Rates can be based on eligibility (CLDDs).
  • Tier structure with Age rated rate structure based on subscriber age: Tier coverage rates based on the member's age band
    • Base Age for Rate Calculation for New Hires: Rule for calculating the rate on the initial enrollment.
    • Age-Band Anniversary (Premium): Rule for calculating the rate for existing employees when their age changes. 
  • Age rated based on Member age, consider top __ children below 21 years: deductions rates are based on member’s age band
    • Base Age for Rate Calculation for New Hires: Rule for calculating the rate on the initial enrollment.
    • Age-Band Anniversary (Premium): Rule for calculating the rate for existing employees when their age changes. 


Categorized communication to on-screen messages, emails, and information on plan pages. The annual OE is the opportunity to review the messages and customization on Benefits Junction and make updates to it. Those who want to take full advantage of html capability in these messaging areas, you can do that. If the configuration team needs to be utilized for programming those pages, then fees will apply.
  • Messages: on-screen messages that appear during the Open Enrollment
    • Please review and update the dates as the information displayed is from the previous Open Enrollment.
    • Click “Add New” to add new messages and specify when and for whom it should be displayed.
    • All messages displayed are required for the Open Enrollment workflow.
  • Emails: Emails that are sent during OE. Custom emails can be sent at anytime however, using Send Email
    • Previous Announcement and Reminder emails can be viewed in the “Send Email” tab, since we use the Custom Email functionality for both. Please enter the Announcement and Reminder email text. 
    • OE Completion email will be populated with current setup however and can be modified accordingly.
    • If any of the emails should not be sent, please click “Disable”.
  • Plan Pages: Relevant during OE but also used as content seen by employees during the year when they make enrollment changes
    • Displays existing information, please review and/or update for the new plan year.
    • If a new plan is added, please enter the information to be display for that plan.

Payroll Schedule

  • Pay cycles include:
    • Every two weeks
    • Monthly
    • Twice per month
    • Weekly
  • If there are no changes to the pay cycle, the pay cycle will be extended
  • A schedule must be uploaded if any of the following apply
    • Benefit package includes an FSA plan
    • Changes to the date pay date
    • Changes to the pay period
    • WFJ reports payroll deductions
  • To upload a payroll schedule for the renewal year
    • Click on the respective pay cycle name
    • Download the template
    • Enter the pay date, the pay cycle start date, and the pay cycle end date
    • Choose the file and click Upload
    • Click “Ok”
  • Custom Deduction Schedule: if there are pay dates where there are no deductions taken, those specific dates for the renewal year need to be specified. 
  • To specify a custom deduction payroll schedule for the renewal year 
    • Click “Add New”
    • Select the plan types that the custom deduction schedule applies
    • Select the pay cycle that it applies
    • Enter pay dates that the deductions are NOT taken in the following format and separated by commas: mm/dd/yyyy


  • Submitting is possible only after all required fields are populated. 
  • If you have incomplete sections, they will be listed at the bottom of the screen when you click Submit. You can go those tabs directly and complete the fields that are incomplete
  • Once you submit, the tab will no longer be visible as our team reviews. However, if you need to make additional updates or corrections, reach out to Customer Success, and we can re-enable for you.

A configuration team member will review the information you provided and contact you with questions if any. We expect a ‘complete’ submission to cover almost all information necessary, making the configuration of Benefits Junction for Open Enrollment accurate and simple.

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