Send Email

  1. Go to Employer Tasks in the Home Page.
  2. Click on Send Email.
  3. Click on Create New Email.
  4. Click on Choose Recipients to add the recipients.
  5. Select the recipients based on any one of the criteria (Plans/Eligibility/Incomplete Tasks/Upload the list of Employees/Input multiple Email IDs separated by comma/Input multiple Employee IDs separated by comma) and click on Add Recipients.
  6. User can view the list of Employees by clicking the Preview link next to Choose Recipients.
  7. If an Email has to go out at a particular date and time, select the On option and enter the Date and Time and then click on Send.
  8. To instantly send an email, select the Now option and then click on Send.

  9. After confirming, an email will appear under Scheduled Emails for few minutes with the Pending status. After the email is sent, it will appear under Previous Emails with the status being Completed.
  10. Click Edit link under Scheduled Emails for editing the email which is already scheduled and Click on Stop Email to stop the email which is already scheduled.
  11. Click Edit/Resend link to resend or modify the previously sent or stopped emails.
  12. Click Download link to export the list of Employees to excel format from Scheduled Emails or Previous Emails.

Note: Emails can be scheduled 20 minutes prior to the Current Time. User will be able to modify or stop the scheduled emails 5 minutes before the scheduled time as the Edit link will disappear 5 minutes before the scheduled time.

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