Change Reports

  • Enrollment changes, made by employees, administrators, or the system, within a date range.
  • Generated at scheduled times or immediately
  • Mainly used for payroll input, update carrier systems if WFJ is not managing EDI feeds, review and track changes
  • Options to select
    • Plans
    • Pay Cycle
  • Data includes:
    • Employee's Plan, Coverage, Deductions, Premiums, Enrollment Status for each individual enrollment in the plan
    • Change Effective Date 
    • Timestamp and who made the change

Previously Setup

  • setup new reports, edit existing reports, generate reports
Creating New Reports
  1. Click Add New
  2. Enter a Report Name
  3. Select Generate Using Schedule or Generate Now
  4. The default Employee Type is Live.
  5. Select a Pay Cycle from the drop down.
  6. Select the desired Plan Types and click Add
  7. For Schedule Reports
    1. Select the Email Alert checkbox to receive email alerts when your scheduled reports are ready for download. 
    2. Enter the the email address(es) of the Recipients to receive the email notification.
    3. Enter an Email Subject. 
    4. Modify the Email Body
  8. Click Submit
Generating a Report
  1. Click Generate
  2. Enter a date for Include Changes Till
  3. Select a Previous Report to review changes since the prior report. Select No Report otherwise.
  4. In Previously Generated Reports, click Refresh.
  5. Click on the Report Link and the file will open in Excel.
Editing a Report
  1. Click Edit.
  2. Update desired fields. 

Previously Generated

  • displays all reports that have been generated to date
  1. Click the Report Link and the file will open in Excel. 
  2. Click Effective Date to sort by Effective Date. 
  3. Click Generated Time to sort by the time the report was generated. 
  4. Click Generated By to sort by the time the report was generated. 
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