Pending EOI

  1. Go to Employer Tasks in the Home Page.
  2. Click on Pending EOI.
  3. Select Plan Type from the drop down. 
  4. Select Enrollment.
    1. Current: pending EOIs for elections effective as of today
    2. Schedule: pending EOIs for elections with a future effective date
    3. Both: Current and Schedule
  5. Select Enrollment Options.
    1. Pending: EOIs currently pending
    2. Approved: EOIs that have been approved
    3. Rejected: EOIs that have been rejected
  6. You can specify a period when election were made by entering dates in From Date and To Date or leave them blank.
  7. Click Generate.
  8. You will see a list of employees who fit your search criteria. If the list is large, you can filter records by Employee ID or Name.
    1. You can send emails to employees by selecting the check boxes and click Send Email to Selected.
    2. You can export all the listed pending EOI transactions into an excel file by clicking Export List To Excel.
  9. Click on Approve or Reject at the far right of each record to approve or reject the transaction. 
    1. For volume-based election to approve the pending EOI, enter the Total Approved Coverage, Approval Effective Date, and click Submit.
    2. For coverage-based election to approve the pending EOI, click Approve or Reject.
    3. To reject a pending amount, click Reject. Rejecting the transaction will retain the employee's current coverage.

  10. Click on the Employee ID to view the employee's record.
  11. Click on Back to List to return.
Note: You should be cautious while approving dependent coverage amounts. If the carrier rule is ‘dependent should not be enrolled if employee does not have coverage amount’ then you should not approve dependent coverage amount without approving employee coverage. 
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