Pending Transactions

  1. Go to Employer Tasks in the Home Page.
  2. A list of all employees who have pending transactions will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Change Reason to see the details of that particular change and a link to the uploaded documents associated with that change if applicable.
  4. Click the radio buttons under Approve or Reject for the plans affected by the transaction. 
  5. You can choose not to send the email to the employee to notify them that the change was approved/rejected by unchecking the checkbox next to Send Approval Email and/or Send Reject Email.
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. Click on the Employee ID to view the employee's record.
  8. Click on Back to List to return.
  • You can search for all the Pending or previously Approved/Rejected transaction by choosing the transaction type.
  • You can search for employees by name, employee Id or by date range for the transactions.

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