Employee Alerts

The Employee Alerts are emails sent to employees when there is an announcement, approval, reminder, or an action they need to complete in Benefits Junction

Activation/Welcome Welcome email sent to New Hires
Announcement (OE) Welcome email sent during OE
Completion of Enrollments (NH) A confirmation email that is sent out after an employee completes their enrollment
Completion of Enrollments (CLDD changes)
There was a CLDD change and the employee was able to make changes to their enrollment this confirmation is sent after the enrollment is completed.
Completion of Enrollments (OE)
Open Enrollment Completion
Completion of Enrollments (Status Change) This email is sent to an employee after a status change request is submitted.
Default Enrollment Alert The employee did not enroll during the enrollment period so they have been default enrolled into benefit plans
Eligibility for New Plans This email alerts employees there was a change in their status and they may be eligible for additional benefits.
Enrollment Changes Confirmation enrollment changes were completed
Forgot Password Sends employees a link to reset their password
Forgot Username Send employees their password
Minimum Age Dependents Notification
Over Age Dependents Notification
30-day notice to remove their child dependent that is reaching the age of 26
Reminder (OE) Reminder emails to be sent during OE
Spousal Consent Form (Accept) Spouse Consent form has been approved
Spousal Consent Form (Reject) Spouse Consent form has been denied

Transaction Approval This alerts employees that their transactions were approved 
Transaction Rejection This alerts employees that their transactions were declined
Termination Benefits This alerts employees when the benefits are terminated due to a CLDD change, not the employment termination.
Welcome Back U.S Email A welcome email that is sent to rehires
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