Admin Alerts

Pending Transactions When any enrollment or Personal Info goes for approval, system sends a notification to admin user for these pending transactions.. 
Pending Employee Adds
When there are employee records with incomplete work info, system send a notification to admin user to review these records and update the required fields so that employee records are added into the system.

These employee alerts below can also be copied to admins.

Completion of Enrollments (NH) A confirmation email that is sent out after an employee completes their enrollment
Completion of Enrollments (CLDD changes)
There was a CLDD change and the employee was able to make changes to their enrollment this confirmation is sent after the enrollment is completed.
Completion of Enrollments (OE)
Open Enrollment Completion
Completion of Enrollments (Status Change) This email is sent to an employee after a status change request is submitted.
Eligibility for New Plans This email alerts employees there was a change in their status and they may be eligible for additional benefits.
Enrollment Changes Confirmation enrollment changes were completed
Over Age Dependents Notification
30-day notice to remove their child dependent that is reaching the age of 26
Transaction Approval This alerts employees that their transactions were approved 
Transaction Rejection This alerts employees that their transactions were declined
Termination Benefits This alerts employees when the benefits are terminated due to a CLDD change, not the employment termination.


The following can be used in system emails and will be employee-specific when generated and sent.​



<First Name>​

<Last Name>​

Employee’s first and last name​


Employee’s address​

<Employee Id>​

Employee ID​

<Employee DOB>​

Employee’s date of birth​


Employee-specific forgot password link​


Employee’s username​

<OE Enrollments>​

Table of employee specific OE elections​

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