Client Relationship Summary

The Client Relationship Summary opens in a separate window. 

The Client Relationship Summary displays important aspects of your client's benefits administration. It can be used to view

  1. The landing page URL, where employees go login
  2. The Benefit Advisor and Client Administrator contact details
  3. The Customer Relationship Manager
  4. Subscription Level
  5. WFJ services used and available for use

Below are the fields and their descriptions.

Field Name Description
Client Name of the Client 
Client Abbreviation Acronym used in Benefits Junction. The acronym is used for different configuration aspects.
  • Ex. Username.
It is also used for Touchpoints integration of the Pocketpal App.
Plan Renewals Plan anniversary months, which are determined based on the plans set up in the system 
Renewal Status Display the current status of the renewal wizard for a client
Active Active employees
Benefits Eligible Employee eligible for at least one plan 
COBRA Employees listed in the COBRA Division
Federal Tax ID Federal Tax ID
Partner Firm Broker firm name
Channel Direct: There is a direct relationship with the Client
Other: Indirect relationship with the client and an non-specified channel
Landing Page URL The website employees use to login and enroll
Benefits Desk Email ID The email employees use to contact the Benefits Desk
Email ID Label Email ID label for emails that are sent to employees through Benefits Junction
Benefits Desk Phone Number The phone number employees, HR, and clients can call for help.
Payroll Vendor The client's Payroll Vendor
Contact Primary client and benefit advisor contact details
Subscription Level The subscriptions are based on service and support levels determined by the SOW
  • Economy
  • Standard
  • Premium
  • Analytics Only
  • Analytics Plus
  • OE Express
  • OE Express+
WFJ Relationship Manager The Customer Relationship Manager is the champion for the client and is determined after implementation is complete. During implementation, it is the Implementation Manager
Subscription Start and End Dates The start date is determined based on the original SOW (Statement Of Work). The end date is determined based on the current contract.
Client Status and Effective Date The status must be Active and the effective date is when the client was set Active.
Enrollment System Uses Benefits Junction for enrollment services
EDI Connections Carrier connections and files. The number of EDI connections is entered during implementation and updated when changed.
Benefits Videos Uses Benefits Videos services in the benefits portal or enrollment system
Dependent Eligibility Uses Dependent Verification service
Enrollment Support Benefits Desk provides Enrollment Support to employees (First-tier support)
Payroll Reporting Uses Payroll services
Touchpoints Portal Uses Touchpoints as their benefits portal
Benefits Admin Outsourcing WFJ manages adds and terms on Benefits Junction, or updates carrier web sites etc.
Signifies utilization of work that is additional and not standard.
Benefits Support Benefits Desk provides Benefit Support to employees (Second-tier support)
Billing __ Invoices Number of Billing Invoices required
Decision Assist Uses Decision Assist service for employees
Employee Advocacy Benefits Desk provides Employee Advocacy service (Third-tier support)
Bill Reconciliations __ Invoices The number of bills that need to be reconciled
Retirement Uses 401k services

Admin Users

This section shows the Benefit Advisors and/or client administrators that have admin access to the client in Benefits Junction.

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