Drill Through Reports


Report Functionality

  • Filter before using the drill through feature to subset based on
    • Effective Date
    • Class
    • Location
    • Division
    • Department
  • To aggregate by plan, click on this icon

  • To expand and show coverage tiers, click on this icon
  • To go back to the previous view, click on this icon

Distribution Detail

Distribution of plans and coverage tiers for a specific plan type pre and post open enrollment
  • Provides count and proportion of employees enrolled in a plan and coverage tier, pre and post open enrollment
  • proportions are relative to total active employees

Plan Detail

Distribution of plans and coverage tiers for a specific plan type at a specific time point
  • Provides count and proportion of employees enrolled in a plan and coverage tier at a point in time
  • proportions are relative to total active employees

Plan Cost

Cost by plan and coverage tiers for a benefit type at a specific time point
  • Provides the following details
    • N: number of enrolled employees
    • Annual EE Cost: annualized employee contribution
    • Annual ER Cost: annualized employer contribution
    • Annual Benefit Cost: total cost of benefits
    • PEPY: per enrolled employee per year cost
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