
Enrollment status by plan at a particular time point.

This measures the engagement or interest from employees in the various plans offered, measured in terms of actual enrollments. These are ‘point-in-time’ charts, that you can see the changes from month to month. The summary view also gives insight into what plans are offered, and how many employees are eligible/not eligible. Benefit advisors who have multiple clients’ data can see comparisons across clients and identify opportunities for plan offerings based on outcomes achieved and insights derived across clients.


  • Proportion of each enrollment status
  • Shows employee engagement and potential for additional participation
  • Enrollment Status
    • Enrolled: enrolled in the plan
    • Declined:  declined the plan
    • Not eligible: not eligible based on class, location, division, department
    • Eligible: eligible for the plan based on class, location, division or department, but hasn’t taken any action due to waiting period rules or other possible reasons
  • Proportions are calculated based on active employees
    • Eligible and not eligible categories are defined first
    • Among the eligible, further categorization of enrolled and declined is determined, and the rest remain as eligible

Report Functionality

  • Filter and select multiple options for
    • Plan type
    • Effective Date
    • Class
    • Location
    • Division
    • Department
  • Hover over the each enrollment status bar to see additional details

  • Right-click on the horizontal bar to

    • Show data point as a table: view the raw data structure
    • Show as table: view the underlying numbers
    • Include: only include selected
    • Exclude: exclude selected
    • Drill through to Plan Detail: presents Plan Detail report for that plan type
Note: Any usage of the report will not be saved or affect other users. Click on the tab title to refresh the view if you make changes.
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