
Compare prior vs current year enrollment percentages to determine the impact of renewal changes.

This shows the changes in enrollment in the various plans offered, comparing what it was in the month before Open Enrollment and the first month of the new year, after Open Enrollment. This helps us review the impact of payroll contribution strategies, incentive programs, and communication/education initiatives at Open Enrollment, and we can measure the actual behavior outcomes in terms of actual enrollments in various programs.

The presentation is dynamic, with the ability to drill through, present data as tables and charts, as well as see data for sub-sets of employees, for example, locations, divisions, or classes. You could review the pre- vs. post- OE changes and adjust communications to different subgroups of employees, for example.


  • Proportion of enrolled employees pre and post open enrollment 
  • Shows impact of renewal changes by plan 
  • %: percent of enrolled among active employees
    • Absolute numbers are dependent on new hires and terminations, which could fluctuate
  • % change: percentage increase or decrease of the percentage enrolled among active employees pre and post open enrollment
    • The relative change 

Report Functionality

  • Filter and select multiple options for
    • Plan type
    • Class
    • Location
    • Division
    • Department
  • Click headers of table to sort by plan or % change, in ascending or descending order
  • Click on the plan type or % change value to filter the visual as well
  • Hover over the blue and gray bars to see additional detail

  • Right-click on the blue or gray bars to

    • Show as table: view underlying numbers
    • Include: only include selected
    • Exclude: exclude selected
    • Drill through to Distribution Detail: presents Distribution Detail report for that plan type
Note: Any usage of the report will not be saved or affect other users. Click on the tab title to refresh the view if you make changes.
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